Create a New Chart

Creating a new chart requires 3 steps: Name your chart, Choose a data resource, and Select a chart type.

  1. Underneath "Create a New Chart", there should be a text box labeled "Name" that reads "Untitled". You can actually just leave the name as Untitled, or enter a new name for the chart. This can also be changed after creating the chart.
  2. Next to "Data Resource" there should be a drop down that reads "Choose A Data Resource". Click that, and then select the data resource you would like to use.
    1. Note: If no data resources are available, you'll need to add one first. You can refer to this page for help with that: Add a Data Resource
  3. Finally, select your chart type by either clicking on "New Pizza Chart" or "New Swimlane Chart".

At this point you should now be staring at a Pizza Chart or a Swimlane Chart, which you can go ahead and begin editing.

What to read next:

Edit a Pizza Chart

Edit a Swimlane Chart